Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Lovely Bones

I saw this movie last year. I must admit it tugged on my heartstrings in a certain way...and this song kills me. There is something about the mixture of imagery and music that can get ya every time! (makes ya wanna paint or draw)! ...or something...

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Moment I Held You Here Was the Best of All

Here's the latest chicken!!!! This one was created using graphite, and was based on a dream I had. In the dream I was standing on someone's porch. I'm not sure who it belonged to, but it was a white, wooden house, with a gray wooden floor. It was very nostalgic, slightly worn, but oddly charming and beautiful. In front of me was an empty boat, and above it was a sign that read, "The moment I held you here was the best moment of all." And then there was an arrow, pointing to a little sign of the boat. In the dream the boat was empty. For the picture I created, I added the chickens :) The whole thing kind of reminded me of the movie, "The Notebook."