Thursday, June 25, 2009

Here's a Good One! :D

Let this blog not be strictly about visual art, cyberspace people!!!....I am a BIG fan of are most people I am guessing. I love music. I love the way it makes me think, and the way it makes me feel. The way a song can "grab" you, you know? And not just the lyrics, but the melody as well. The whole package really...I actually find it necessary to listen to music when I am painting. It makes me "feel" more. I like to "feel" when I paint. It's all about picking the right song, for the right mood, for the right painting...(usually)...

I had to listen to this song tonight. It felt right. It is the right song for right now. For this exact moment in time, this is the right song. You know what I mean? A certain song that you can relate to at a certain point in your life? Music is a good thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Perfect Kerry and I love that song! I'm the same way! Gotta have my music playing, while I'm painting. Although it's hard not to sing along with it for me.....