Friday, October 10, 2008

Dude! I broke my Toe! :O...

Ow!!!!...I never realized V8 Splash Juice could be so volatile... :O...

So here's what happened...It was a usual uneventful morning..I opened the fridge to get my energy drink...just like I have EVERY morning for the last 6 years...(a habit that started with my early morning employment in coffee shops many moons ago)...

So this HUGE bottle of tropical V8 Juice (in the door of my fridge) flies out of the fridge and lands on the middle toe of my right foot..OW!!! When it actually happened I screamed "OW"!!! out loud...(and for the record, this is one of those full a gallon)...#@$$#!!!!

Not a good thing...I told Matt not to place top heavy beverages in the lower/outer door of the fridge ever again...*whimpering*...ow...

Let's just say I am bruised, stiff, and uncomfortable...GGRR...(ow)... :( ...


Anonymous said...

You should wear one of those big boot things! That'll make it better :)

How does that V8 stuff taste, anyway? :P

Anonymous said...

Ouchy!!!! I hope that your foot get's better. I drink V8 but it's not the tropical kind. How does that taste?

Anonymous said...

Who'd of thought V8 could be so harmful to your health!!

Stick to the bubbler. It's safer!!

What is Wrong With Me 2 said...

Hi guys! The V-8 Splash juice is pretty good. I've been drinking the diet kind of course, because I'm still trying to take off all that "Kerry has been eating too much fried southern food weight"... :) Only 1 pound to go! :)

Yeah, I might have to stick to the bubbler! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Kerry: You know me -- Alaska Brat -- I'm not really *Anon* -- I just don't have a Blog! Anyway, I'm soooo sorry about your toe! I broke my big toe (about 49 years ago! Eewwwww, I'm old..) chasing Mooch through the house. He zigged and ran up the stairs, I zagged and hit the wall. I was clutzy at 14, what can I say? I do know it hurts BIG TIME. And there's really nothing they can do for a broken toe.

I hope you're healing well. Take care.

PS: I love Splash Juice! Yum!

What is Wrong With Me 2 said...

Thanks so much Arlene! :)..hey, that would make you the same age as my Dad! :)-- a good age to be! :)

PS: gotta love Moochie! :) what a cutie!

Anonymous said...

well this is such a nice stuff

Cat (darklingwoods) said...

Oh no! attack V8 juice! I hope you are on the mend!

What is Wrong With Me 2 said...

Snitterdog Toe Update:...two weeks later it's still sore, but I am hobbling along much better :) Maybe it was a hairline fracture, as opposed to one of those nasty breaks where the bone breaks in two...Thanks for all your well wishes!:)