Saturday, May 2, 2009

Olivia was Adopted-- Yeah!!!!! :)

I am so happy for her. What a sweet, gentle little dog-- I am so glad she found a great home!!! :) I spoke to one of her vet techs this morning and apparently Olivia's condition was genetic. It was not contagious to either humans or dogs, but she will need monthly treatment for the rest of her life. I am so glad someone has taken her in-- she's a lovely dog and deserves great life! :)

Here's another little cutie I have spent time with at the Savannah Human Society :) His name is Pokie! (he's a shepard/husky mix :)

I've taken this guy on a walk and also spent time brushing him and hugging him. He is a lovable dog who seemed to want petting and hugs even more than the brushing!-- what a sweetie!!! At one point this morning he had both his arms on my shoulders while I petted him :)-- what a cute doggie!!!! He will be at the doggie carnival in Forsyth Park tomorrow too it looks like-- I hope someone gives him a great home!

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